1985 E30 325e/M3 – Payson Art Car

John Payson
June 7, 2010
Yellow/Multiple (Originally Red)
Ray Korman raced the BMW E30 M3 for a couple years in the US. One year, art gallery owner, John W. Payson, sponsored one of Ray’s cars by painting it yellow with Motorsport stripes and other graphics. We were told Mr. Payson wanted a replica of the car for his Art Gallery. BMW wasn’t willing to “give” an E30 M3, but Mr. Payson could purchase one. Instead, Ray took an E30 325e and added the E30 M3 bodywork to it. The interior, engine, and suspension remained as what came with the 325e. The car was painted to match the real race car and this became the show piece in the gallery. Artist Gary Buch painted the car.
In 2010, we spotted a picture of this car in the letters section of Roundel magazine offering to donate this car to a car Museum. We contacted Mr. Payson and later, this car was donated to the BMW CCA Foundation. It was our first car to be donated to our Museum. We displayed the car in our previous location. We also displayed the car in our current location up until 2017 when we started our real exhibitions. We took the car several times to Ray Korman’s shop in Greensboro, NC for his annual open houses. We also took this car to Vintage on the Vineyards once or twice. After receiving a real E30 M3 in our collection, we decided to auction this car on Bring a Trailer. The winning bidder is in Europe, so this car was shipped out of the country.
This car was sold on November 14, 2019.