Donate to the Library & Archives

The office, museum, library, and archival space for the Foundation is located at 190 Manatee Court in Greer, South Carolina (next door to the BMW Performance Center).

Our goals are expressed in the following mission statement:

To maintain a historical archive of all things BMW and BMW Car Club related and to make available to the public, technical, historic and general information on BMW automobiles and BMW related-organizations.

The Library, Archives, and Museum Program will create a repository for BMW-related historical documents, literature and paraphernalia, providing club members with access to rare and interesting BMW artifacts while ensuring their continued existence.

Because in many cases the Foundation only possesses one copy of these important books, articles and materials, the policy is normally not to allow them to be removed from the Archives. We encourage people to visit our offices to view those materials, or we can, upon request, make copies of pertinent information, within reason.

Donate to the Library, Archives, and Museum Collection

The Foundation is interested in BMW car/motorcycle related materials to add to the Library, Archives, and Museum. After evaluation, we will accept brochures, books, magazines, models cars, press kits, repair manuals, memorabilia, chapter items & newsletters, posters, prints, or other collectibles.

Cleaning out your garage, basement or office? Contact us at if you would like to offer items for donation. Please include photos. Most donations to the Foundation are tax deductible.